Did You Know You Can Become A Tree After You Die?
Every day it appears that people are becoming more aware and more galvanized about the climate crisis. With this increasing interest in protecting the environment, eco-friendly options are becoming more sought out in all areas. The funeral industry is no exception.
Traditionally, the materials and methods utilized in the funeral industry have been incredibly harmful to the environment. Traditional caskets and urns are typically resource-heavy and are made from unsustainable materials such as hardwoods, steel, brass, copper, and bronze. These materials can make beautiful products, but they aren’t the best options for practicality or environmental impact.
Obtaining these substances does not come without consequences; mining these metals have many negative effects on the Earth. For starters, the processes commonly used cause erosion and require a substantial amount of water and energy. In addition, the process often results in soil and water contamination. Metal caskets in particular require massive amounts of mined minerals, only to become large foreign objects within the Earth.
Better Options Are Available
The availability of biodegradable caskets and urns is on the rise. Unlike traditional caskets, biodegradable caskets are made of natural ingredients such as bamboo, seagrass, and willow. Producing these caskets does not release toxic materials and chemicals into the Earth; instead, they naturally become part of the soil over time.
One of the most eco-friendly options for cremation families is the Biotree Urn. This urn allows a living tree to grow with a loved one’s cremated remains. Not only does the Biotree Urn help you reduce the environmental impact of your funeral, but growing a tree is actually beneficial to the environment.
Choosing alternatives such as the Biotree Urn or natural burial is a simple and meaningful way to protect the environment with your funeral planning. Conventional funeral methods adversely affect the environment more than many families may realize. The embalming process, for example, is known for its negative effects on the environment, due to the chemicals used. The process is not only toxic to those who work around it, such as embalmers and funeral directors, but it also poses a risk to the local ecosystem. Formaldehyde, which is used to embalm bodies, can over time enter the soil and harm the environment. It creates carbon monoxide and is toxic to human beings, animals, and plants.
Modern Funeral Experiences
Modern eco-friendly funeral options are often made to create meaningful, experiential funerals. The Biotree Urn is one of the most unique options out there; it is so meaningful because it serves as a living memorial to a loved one. Passages International explains: “A seed is planted in the top half of the urn, with the cremated remains held in the bottom. The cork center of the urn helps create an environment suitable for healthy tree growth. In a short time, the tree will sprout and you will see new life grow.”
Eco-friendly options are modern, and the Biotree Urn (as well as most Passages biodegradable urns) comes with a unique GeoTag code that allows families to create a digital memorial and mark where their loved one’s remains were laid to rest, and where others can come to pay their respects. It allows families to leave an obituary or story about their loved one, and the Memorial Map creates a community of others who have scattered remains across the world.
What could be better than becoming a tree after you die? The Biotree Urn is ultimately a beautiful alternative to traditional funeral options, but creating new life to honor a life lived can be incredibly purposeful to families. As Passages says, the Biotree Urn is “designed to celebrate life.” And it certainly does.